The cold came to Texas and the internet froze 🧊

(or how I wasted my three day weekend)

I woke up Sunday morning with projects to work on, things to do, and found I could do practically none of it because my internet was down 🀦.

But that's not what bothered me.

What bothered me was that I also could not access any of my locally running self-hosted services.

If that sentence means nothing to you,
Imagine having your own private music server filled with mp3 files. It lives in your home, and any devices on your home network should be able to connect and stream music files from it without any external internet connection. When done correctly, you could cancel your internet, unplug your modem, and still stream your music files in your home.

Now technically, I could access these services if I typed in their exact IP Addresses and port numbers. For example, did not work, but worked just fine.

But I wasn't satisfied with that, I don't have all the ports memorized and surely there should be a more user friendly way to access my services locally, right?

πŸ‘·β€β™€ alright, let's get to work

The first step is to always narrow down the problem. So let's focus on why I can't access a single service This service is very simple, and to my knowledge attempts to makes zero external network calls, so this should limit variables while testing.

🧠 Initial thoughts:

  1. Using requires two things
    1. The DNS record to be resolved by an external service
    2. My home server to be reachable

Ok, this makes sense, the internet is down which means both of these steps will fail. I can't reach out to any DNS providers to resolve the domain and even if I could, the request could not be responded to by my server.

DNS for the uninitiated...
You probably describe your home as residing at a mailing address. Your mailing address is easy to remember and share with friends. But more specifically, your home resides at a latitude and longitude. You don't know the exact lat/long and you've really never needed to because services like Google Maps are always there to translate a plain old mailing address into the exact location for you.

Websites work in a similar way. is just a human friendly way of pointing to a very specific IP Address. And to resolve a specific domain name, we use DNS (Domain Name System) providers who understand how to map a domain name to the correct IP Address and ultimately get you where you want to go. Your ISP is usually the defacto DNS provider unless you've fiddled with your router config.

πŸ’‘ Idea:

  1. Resolve the DNS entry locally on my network instead of reaching out to the external provider

I run a local instance of AdGuard Home which is responsible for serving DNS requests. Most of these requests it proxies out to public DNS providers but it also applies it's own filtering and rewrite rules to enable blocking traffic to certain domains like trackers, advertisers, and data collectors.

In simple terms, my network setup should look something like this:

flowchart client{{My Computer}} router{{Router}} adgaurd{{AdGuardHome}} www{{Remote DNS Provider}} client -- --> router router -- DNS lookup --> adgaurd adgaurd -- Remote DNS Lookup --> www www -- IP --> adgaurd adgaurd -- Filter Rules --> adgaurd adgaurd -- IP --> router
How does this block ads?
So we know that DNS providers are what allow us to turn a domain name into a physical IP Address. Now let's take your typical news site. You type in the domain and the page loads, while the page loads it makes additional requests to load various elements on the page. One of these elements may be an Advertisement.

In order to load the Advertisement we discover that the page calls What would happen if for some reason our DNS provider couldn't locate the IP Address for that domain? Well the Advertisement would simply not load on the site. AdGuardHome acts as a middle man, filtering your DNS queries, letting some get resolved and blocking others from getting resolved. With a robust enough blocklist, you could eliminate most ads around the web.

This same principle can also be used to block access to certain sites or content that maybe are dangerous (phishing) or even sites you simply don't want your kids visiting.

In addition to filtering DNS lookups, AdGuardHome also supports rewrite rules, which simply means we can override what the DNS provider told us and use a different IP Address for any domain we like.

For my problem, the idea is to setup a local rewrite rule that effectively says all calls to should be resolved to, my home server.

Here's how things will look in this configuration:

flowchart client{{My Computer}} router{{Router}} adgaurd{{AdGuardHome}} www{{Local Rewrite Rule}} client -- --> router router -- DNS lookup --> adgaurd adgaurd -- --> www www -- --> adgaurd adgaurd -- --> router

So I wire it all up and..... nothing, didn't work. Still can't access from my browser.

πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ Deeper thoughts:

  1. My services are configured behind a reverse proxy that listens on ports :6080 and :6443 (for reasons)
  2. My router normally handles the port forwarding of :80 -> :6080 and :443 -> :6443
  3. Perhaps, when AdGuard applies the rewrite rule, since this is all internal traffic, the port forwarding is not happening at the router, so my requests are ultimately going to instead of
Why ports matter...
Ports on a computer are like doors on house, except there are many, many more. Naturally you keep all your doors closed until you need to use one. If you open the back door of your house to receive a delivery, but the delivery person shows up at the front door instead (which is closed), things aren't going to work. Now, you could put a sign on your front door that says "go around to the back door", and then the delivery person would know what to do.

So, the port (door) has to be open, and if you're expecting traffic at a different port, you can forward that traffic along to the desired port using port forwarding rules.

πŸ’‘ Idea:

  1. Let's try changing my reverse proxy to listen on the standard :80 and :443

Tested it out, but, this still didn't work.

And neither did the next idea.

Or the next hack.

Or the next one.

Or the one after that.

😞 I give up

Hey πŸ‘‹, sorry for the tense change, we've got present-Bailey here.... I've sunk 6+ hours (on and off) into investigating this, we're into my second day without internet, and I still haven't figured out how to access my local services using their domain names...

I'm frustrated by this, but have some takeaways from the experience:

  1. I don't really understand how networks work, at least not beyond the surface level information, this limits my ability to come up with creative ideas
  2. I don't know how to effectively trace or debug network traffic
  3. This is impossible for me to solve without Google. I actually did have some access to the internet using mobile data on my phone, but even so I still felt hamstrung

🦀 but wait there's more....

So I'm sitting here fiddling with the mermaid diagram's above, feeling sorry for myself, and musing over point #2 from the "I give up" section. I decide to go poking through my Router's admin page again, remembering that there are some network debugging tools there.

Here I find that the router has a tool for running nslookup. NSLookup should atleast let me sanity check that the router is resolving my domains to the correct IP Address.

I morosely plug in and click "Diagnose".

I look at the output.... I look again.... that's the wrong IP Address.

Not only is the domain resolving to my Public IP address (instead of, but I can see that it's using my ISP's DNS server to do it. 🀯

This is interesting πŸ€”, I know I have my router configured to use AdGuard for DNS so why would it be trying to reach out to my ISP?

I poke around a bit more on my router and find this setting: WAN - Connect to DNS Server Automatically: Yes, and I also notice for the first time that my WAN and DHCP DNS settings are different.

πŸ’‘ Idea:

  1. Set WAN - Connect to DNS Server Automatically: No
  2. Update Router WAN settings to explicitly use AdGuardHome for DNS

This is an exciting idea, it means my original ideas were probably correct, but this one misconfigured setting was causing me to bypass AdGuard and go to the ISP DNS server instead.

Let's make the changes.



My internet comes back online 🀦.

No not, the service I'm trying to test, I mean literally after 16hrs without internet, it magically starts working right this minute.

But that won't stop me. We've come too far. I leap from my computer. I run to the networking closet.

I stare my modem's solid blue connectivity lights right in the face, and....

I unplug it like the mad-woman I am 😈.

Lo and behold, it works!

Victory is mine.

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